Getting up a Unifi site

If you are reusing equipment

Go to the site the equipment was at.

                Click on the device

                Config Tab on the right-hand side

                Mange Device

                Forget this device


Do that are all reused Devices



Then go the Current site in the upper right-hand side.

Then add new site at the bottom

Name site

If you can see the USG in the new site that adapt it.

Then to the same for the switch and AP


If you can’t adopt the USG on the site.

Then plug it into a computer.

Download putty

It should have the IP

Username is ubnt



Run the command twice if it does not go to provisioning





Rename the USG



                Site Name

Then do the same for the Switch and AP


Go the setting on the site network

Change gateway

                DHCP Range 20 - 254

Wireless Network

                Create new Wireless

                Name/SSID – Sequoyah WiFi

                Security -WPA Personal

                Password -S3qWifi!

Once you get the network information for the ISP

                Go the site


                                Great New network

                                Name – WAN    

                                Purpose – WAN

                                IPV4 – If the ISP give use a static IP change is to that

                                Then fell in the blank with want the IPS give us.

                                IPv6 – disabled

                                Common setting

                                Change the DNS server

Then Save the Network




For the VPN

                Go to the Redmond Site



                Name the Network in Subnet number plug the site number for example: XX-site name

                Copy all the Routing and firewall from a site that you know is working.